U14 — Blog — Eagles Netball Club | Maidenhead Berkshire


Eagles U14 Team's Amazing Fundraising Efforts!

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With a goal to raise £2000, the Eagles U14 team worked hard. Our biggest fundraiser was the Dinton Santa Dash. It was a very cold and dreary morning, but nevertheless, on the morning of the 14th of December, with no Saturday matches scheduled, we rolled out of bed, got dressed and met our teammates, along with hundreds of other ‘Santas’, at Dinton Country Park. With mud splattered all over our Santa outfits, we managed to finish the 5K run in fairly good time. Even the mums joined us on the run! The sun shone on us in the end. It was a run well worth the effort. We managed to raise £1675 through sponsorships! We also raised £350 in tip donations helping at the lovely Tina’s 50th party and over £600 selling Eagles water bottles, jewellery boxes and heart tins. We surpassed our goal!

We still have more items to sell if anyone is interested.


Please contact Heather (Baldwintanner@aol.com) for water bottles (£10) and Claire (claire.tallis@gmail.com) for jewellery boxes (£20), heart tins (£5) and pencil cases (£10).

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